David took over PaleoHacks

David Sinick, PaleoHacks, Content, Marketing

He’s not the founder. He’s not super-comfortable being the front guy.

So how did David Sinick take over PaleoHacks?

(And why was he so anxious about this interview?)

David Sinick


David Sinick runs PaleoHacks, a place that allows you to connect with others who are on the journey to learn how to live, eat, and move better.

Andrew: Hey, everyone, my name is Andrew Warner, I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses and I was at an event recently called such a weird name that for a long time I resisted going to the event, but it’s called Baby Bathwater. And the thing that I discovered about Baby Bathwater is there all these incredible entrepreneurs who are doing things that most people don’t realize. They’re a big business, well organized, and they’re doing well. And what they do is they all get together and kind of hang out, not to listen to a bunch of presentations, though there are presentations and talks, but to just kind of hang out, ski together, talk. I love the people who are over there, but I didn’t want to be the person who was walking around going, “I should interview you. Do you want to be interviewed on Mixergy?”

So I reached out to the founders of a Baby Bathwater and I said,...

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