Tools that generate demand

Randy Rayess, Outgrow, B2B, Marketing, SaaS (software as a service)
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Ramit Sethi had this amazing sales page that me and my entire team admired.

He basically said, decide how much money you want to make by plugging in how many customers you’ll have and what you’re going to charge. And he embedded a calculator readers could use to better understand his message.

Joining me as an entrepreneur who realized the same thing while he was selling development services and he wanted to communicate how much it would cost to get different types of apps made.

He said, More entrepreneurs, more entrepreneurs, more businesses, more marketers need this type of tool. But they shouldn’t have to get a developer in order to build it.

And so he did it for them. Randy Rayess created software called Outgrow, which allows you to create sliders, calculators, quizzes, chatbots, and so many other tools that help you make your pages more interactive and close more sales.

Randy Rayess

Randy Rayess


Randy Rayess is the founder of which offers no-code tools to boost your interactive content and drive more leads.

Andrew: hey, there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner and one of my past guests had this amazing sales page. So good that we passed it around. you know, why am I hiding his name? It was roommate safety and yes, it had photos of him with before and after.

Yes. It also had long form content describing what he did, but. Something about the middle part , that caught my eye. He basically said, decide how much money you want to make by plugging in how many, how many customers you’ll have and what you’re going to charge. It was something like that. And so I did it and I got the number and, Oh, wow.

This is impressive. Now I get what he’s aiming for. I get what we could do. I see the possibility. And more importantly, I have something that I can just fidget around with on the sales page. It doesn’t feel like the page was talking at me. It felt like I could do something to help me understand the message that he was trying to...

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