OurCrowd, the Biggest Crowdfunded VC You Don’t Know Yet

Jon Medved, OurCrowd

One of the popular dinner topics here in San Francisco is who invested in what. And it’s one of those things that can easily feel exclusive because you have to spend time to build relationships, you have to have access, you have to have opportunity.

And that’s where today’s guest comes in. Jon Medved is the founder of OurCrowd, which enables investments in pre-vetted startups and exclusive venture funds.

Jon Medved


Jon Medved is the founder of OurCrowd, which enables investments in pre-vetted startups and exclusive venture funds.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses for an audience of entrepreneurs. And one of the cool things about living in San Francisco is how many people I get to meet when I go to dinner and all the different conversations that I get to be a part of.

And a friend of mine invited me over to his house for dinner. And admittedly said, I just want you to help keep the conversation going, bring out what’s interesting and people and I did. And at dinner, he interrupts me to make sure that everybody around the table knew that one of the guys who was sitting at the table was an early investor in Uber.

And I bring this up because this is kind of a common thing that people will at dinner, make sure that you know, what their friends invested in or what they invested in. And it’s impressive. Um, But it also is something that many people...

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