Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. Get this. For years, I’ve been paying thousands of dollars a month to have every one of my interviews transcribed. And you might say, Andrew, why bother?
And I could tell you that it’s good for search engine optimization, Bubba bod, and truthfully, I don’t care that much about search engine optimization. I care much more about user experience. I know that as a podcast listener, sometimes I’m running, listening to a podcast. I hear something useful and the only way I could get it again is if I stopped my run, write it down and just break the whole experience to take that note or.
I have to go back and then try to scrub through the frickin podcast and get to the, and why, what do these people do? They created a show for me so that I could be entertained. No, what they’re...