How to set up a DAO

Ben Huh, Origami
Get the whole interview here

This interview is unlike my typical Mixergy interview as you’ll hear in this episode.

I’m talking to Ben Huh, the founder of Origami, Ben Huh is the founder of Origami, which helps launch and grow DAOs, decentralized autonomous organizations, through a combination of software and services.

I’ve become fascinated with DAOs and want to learn how they’re built.

Ben Huh

Ben Huh


Ben Huh is the founder of Origami, which helps launch and grow DAOs, decentralized autonomous organizations, through a combination of software and services.

Andrew: Hey there. Freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of mixer G Where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. This is not a regular Mixergy interview. What you’re about to hear is the start of a brand new podcast.

Here’s what happened? And entrepreneur that I interviewed years ago came to me and said, Andrew, I want to do better job of explaining what my company does and why I’m passionate about this business. Would you interview me about it? And I said, sure. I’ve actually done that over the years with several people that I’ve interviewed here on Mixergy.

The thing is. By the end of the first interview with him, I got really excited about Dow’s decentralized autonomous organizations, these groups that Ben’s putting together. So I did another interview with him and then another one. And then I asked him to introduce me to people who created other dowels and to help me...

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