Biography Of OpenX, Which Serves Over 1/4 Trillion Ads Per Month – with Scott Switzer

Scott Switzer, OpenX, Failure, Mental Game

Napoleon Hill said that every failure has the seed of an even greater success. We keep seeing that play out in Mixergy interviews. This one offers another great example.

Scott Switzer told us how he had to close down a startup that he co-founded. Because he suddenly had free time, when a friend asked him to help find a way to lower his ad serving bills, Scott was able to look into it. The problem his friend’s company, Unanimis, had is that every time it ran a thousand online ads, it had to pay 50 cents for the service that served those ads. Since Unanimis serves tens of millions of ads each month, the cost added up.

Scott discovered an open source solution that eliminated those serving costs for Unanimis. It worked so well that together they formed OpenX to improve and capitalize on the technology. Today, OpenX servers over 250 billion ads per month. Listen to this interview to learn about the business and the entrepreneur behind it.

Scott Switzer


Scott Switzer is the Co-Founder and Head of Community at OpenX, the world’s leading independent ad server for web publishers. Previously, he co-founded article27, a company that managed exclusive internet video rights to feature length films.


Andrew: Hey, before we get started, I want to tell you about the new number that I got from my new sponsor, GrassHopper. The number is 877-4-MIXERGY how cool is that vanity number by the way. 877-the number 4-M-I-X-E-R-G-Y.

Alright and we’ll come up with a few things to do with it. But the first thing that I think we should do with it is, from now on I will list all of my upcoming guests on so that you can see who’s coming up and if you have a question for any of them you can call up my number and ask them ahead of time. That way you don’t have to be here on the live, at the live show to ask your questions of my guests. And, of course, if you don’t know, it’s a service that will let you have multiple extensions so that you can look like a big company. Or if you really are a big company and you have lots of people there, it will give you multiple extensions for each person at your business.

I, personally, am...

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