How Could Someone “Thoroughly Unqualified” Raise $2+ Mil And Launch A Startup? – with Laura Fitton

Laura Fitton, Oneforty, Consulting, Marketplace, Networking, Social Media, Women Founders

When she came up with the idea for Oneforty, the Twitter app store, Laura Fitton thought she was “thoroughly unqualified for the idea.” She didn’t know how to code up a site. She never raised money for a startup before. And she didn’t even live in Silicon Valley. But she launched it anyway because she felt that a good idea is a gift and she owed it to herself to pursue it.

As she got going, she found ways to make up for the traditional qualifications that she lacked. I jotted down some of those ways during the interview (see below), but if you listen to it yourself, I bet you’ll pick up even more useful ideas from her experience. As I kept saying during the conversation, she did a lot of work before she even launched her company. My goal with in interview was to learn from that hard work.

Laura Fitton


Laura Fitton is the founder of Oneforty, a site that has been called “Twitter’s app store” because it’s a marketplace for Twitter users to discover and share Twitter tools and services. Previously, she co-wrote Twitter for Dummies and founded Pistachio Consulting.


Please note: the company name is spelled Oneforty

The transcript for minute 0 till minute 5 is BELOW this line.

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