Is there room for parking tech in a future with autonomous vehicles?

Patrick Murray, NOSON, Mixergy Fan

Today’s guest is a Mixergy listener who moved to San Francisco and is the founder of multiple companies.

His latest is NOSON, a technology company that makes it easy for travelers to park at the nearest airport. I have questions about the future of this company considering things like autonomous vehicles, UBER and other alternatives.

Still, he’s built this company incredibly quickly and built the revenue up. I want to talk about how he did it.

Patrick Murray


Patrick Murray is the founder of NoSon, a company whose products include on-airport parking, off-airport parking, and transportation.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I do interviews with real entrepreneurs for an audience of real entrepreneurs. And today I’ve got a guest who listened to my interviews, and now he’s here to kind of complete what I call the circle of Mixergy. He listened to the interviews, he built a company, and now he’s back here to talk about what he learned so he can pass it on to you. And you know, the funny thing is when somebody listened to my interviews, they never say, ”I’m so glad to be here.” They say, ”I’m a little nervous to be here. I trust you and I’m still a little nervous.” Does that feel right to you, Patrick?

Patrick: Totally. Yeah, I mean it’s, you know, growing up, listening to, you know, whenever I moved to San Francisco I just binge watched you a ton. So it’s kind of funny to, like, be at the other end of it for sure. But...

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