Be like the founder of Nomorobo. Don’t overthink entrepreneurship

Aaron Foss, Nomorobo, Failure, Mobile Apps

Today’s guest made a lot of mistakes with a lot of different companies he started. But he learned A LOT.

And luckily for me and my audience, he’s willing to be open about all of it.

Aaron Foss is the creator of Nomorobo which stops annoying robocalls from telemarketers.

Aaron Foss


Aaron Foss is the creator of Nomorobo which stops annoying robocalls from telemarketers.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their business for an audience of real entrepreneurs.

Get this. One of my past interviews I complained about how I get endless calls often while I’m interviewing or while I’m having a meeting. And they’re just fricking robocalls. And I get an email as a follow-up to that from Aaron Foss, who you’re about to meet, who says, “Hey, I’m working on a solution. I think you should try it out.” So I click over to his website and I think, “First of all, cool that he did this and that he reached out.” And second I thought, “Am I being trapped into something?” So I think I had to put in my phone number and my carrier or something. And at the time, it was kind of, like, a clunky experience, but I got so frustrated, I got excited about it.

I eventually became a...

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