How to overcome the imposter syndrome and build a 6-figure consulting business, with Noah Fleming

Noah Fleming, EVERGREEN, Consulting, Customer Acquisition, Mental Game, PR / Media Marketing

Joining me today is a founder who built a thriving consulting company. I invited him to tell his story, so you can learn how to do it yourself.

I also want you to see how, when he started telling clients that they should pay him because he’s the expert, the imposter syndrome hit him.

We’ll learn what he did about it. Noah Fleming helps businesses get new clients, and more importantly, retain them. He’s also the author of EVERGREEN: Cultivate The Enduring Customer Loyalty That Keeps Your Business Thriving.

Noah Fleming


Noah Fleming helps businesses get new clients, and more importantly, retain them. He’s also the author of EVERGREEN: Cultivate The Enduring Customer Loyalty That Keeps Your Business Thriving.

Andrew: Hey there Freedom Fighters, my name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of, home of the ambitious upstart and I should be really clear about that I use the word ambition for a reason. There are some people in this world who feel that they want more.

And most people if you tell them, hey I want more, more than my life, more than what I’m doing, more consulting clients, more customers, more of anything, they’ll say, “Why don’t you just be happy with where you are? You don’t need so much. Why not just accept that things are the way they are?”

I’m not going to pooh-pooh that; that’s fine for some people, but there’s a small group of people in this world who do want more despite that, who aren’t going to be satisfied where they are. They want to learn more, write more, create more, build more and for that audience and that audience alone is what Mixergy is here for.

And joining me...

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