Check Out How This Guy Found A Business Idea That Customers Love – with Nick Crocker

Nick Crocker, Sessions, Consulting, Customer Acquisition, Mental Game
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How does embedding yourself in your customers’ lives help you build a company that people want to buy from?

Nick Crocker is the founder of Sessions, a network of personal coaches who encourage people to lead more active lives.

I invited him here to learn how he investigated people’s pain and built a health business that solved that pain.

Nick Crocker

Nick Crocker


Nick Crocker is the founder of Sessions, a network of personal coaches empowering people to lead more active lives.


Coming up, the second to last question I asked today’s guest. We’ll show you the one thing you need to do if you want to build the company or product that customers will be eager to pay for. Don’t try to fast-forward to that section. It won’t make much sense unless you watch the whole interview but, if you do, it’ll make this whole interview and maybe even this whole site worth every minute that you invested in it. Also, why should you wait until you’re so frustrated, so fed up, so irritated, that you want to, actually pull your hair out, before you build your product?

Today’s guest makes a compelling point. If you listen to that point, it could save you… Well, he lost $10,000 in three months, suffering. He could save you that pain and enable you to build a successful company. Those two points, and so many others, coming up. I’ve got my notes here and I know you’ll want to take good notes on this interview...

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