The risk and reward of chat as a platform

Prashant Pitti, NearGroup, Bootstrapping, Indian Founders, International Founders, Messaging, Social Media

I’ve been noticing that there’s a new platform and the new platform is chat (see more practical use cases here). And today’s guest is a guy who said, “This is the perfect platform for what I have in mind,” which is a way for two people to connect with each other based on their interest or proximity.

I’ll him tell us how many people he has using his software. I’m also going to embarrass him by asking him to tell me about what his revenue is and spoiler alert, I think he’s going to be resistant.

Prashant Pitti is the Founder of NearGroup as a chatbot that connects people on the basis of their interest or location. We’re going to talk about how he built up this business whether chat as a platform has any legs.

Prashant Pitti


Prashant Pitti is the Founder of NearGroup as a chatbot that connects people on the basis of their interest or location.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs, proven entrepreneurs, about how they built their businesses. And today’s guest is someone that I’ve been chatting with on Facebook Messenger and I said, “You know what, I like your business, interesting, you’re a great guy, I can’t do an interview with you.” And he said, “Why not?” I said, “I think your company is too small.”

And I think for a while they kind of accept it and then walked away. And then he messaged me soon afterwards and he said, “You know, Andrew, you may not be aware of this but there’s a way on Facebook to know how many people are messaging a business.” I said, “No, I wasn’t aware of it.” And then he sent me a screenshot of how many people are messaging his business. And I said, “I messed up.” I said, “How fast can...

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