Skimlinks, How It Turns Online Content Into Revenue – with Alicia Navarro

Alicia Navarro, Skimlinks, B2B, Content, Customer Acquisition, European Founder, International Founders, System, Traffic, Women Founders

There was an odd uproar when people found out that the sharing site, Pinterest, was trying to monetize its business using Skimlinks.

Like many entrepreneurs, I took the opposite view and said, “way to go! When startups earn revenue, it helps them grow.” Then I wanted to go a step further and invite the founder of Skimlinks to talk about how she built her company.

Alicia Navarro is the co-founder of Skimlinks, which makes it easy for sites to monetize their product links by replacing them with links that generate affiliate revenue.

Alicia Navarro


Alicia Navarro is the co-founder of Skimlinks, which makes it easy for sites to monetize their product links by replacing them with links that generate affiliate revenue.


Andrew: Three questions before I fire you up with another great interview. First, if you need a video for your site to help increase conversions and make more sales who do you turn to? Revolution Productions. Their videos make it easy for customers to understand your product. Even though they’re inexpensive Revolution Productions uses animation techniques and high quality video production values to tell a compelling story. And Revolution Productions is trusted by Singrid, Snap Engage, Free Lancer, and others. Go to

Next, did you know that adding a phone number from to your site can increase your sales? Well, Less Accounting found that sales grew when they added a Grasshopper phone number to their site. Seeing a phone number for help makes people feel safe. Flower AB tested having a phone number on their site from Grasshopper and not having one from Grasshopper. Look at how much impact it had. Try it on your site. Go to...

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