Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. Oh man, I’m shot out of a freaking cannon today. I’ve got way too much energy. I’ve got to calm down.
Nathan: That’s great, dude. The freedom fighters love it.
Andrew: Joining me is a long-time Mixergy listener who built and sold a company. And the reason I’m shot out of a cannon, and he recently wrote a book. And when I get a book from a guest and for some reason some guests don’t even freaking send me the books. When I get a book, I can’t help but sit and read it, and usually I will speed read it in under an hour and you quiz me, I get all the data from the book. I know it. I remember.
This book I just spent two hours reading downstairs. I couldn’t put it down. I kept texting Nathan saying, “I need a little bit more time.” The book...