Heyo: What Happens When A Facebook Tweak Kills A Billion Dollar Industry – with Nathan Latka

Nathan Latka, Lujure, Brand (branding), Customer Acquisition, Social Media
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What happens to a successful entrepreneur when Facebook changes the platform he built his company on?

Last time I interviewed Nathan Latka we talked about how he did over $400,000 in revenue in his first year of business.

His company, Lujure, made it incredibly easy for businesses to create robust pages on Facebook.

Since then, Facebook stopped allowing businesses to make these pages the default and instead shows a business’s timeline. Fortune magazine said it’s a tweak that killed a billion dollar industry.

So I invited Nathan to talk about how it impacted his sales.

Nathan Latka

Nathan Latka


Nathan Latka is founder of Lujure.com, which helps businesses create custom fan pages in under 30 seconds.


Andrew: Coming up, how can you be that inspiring boss that you always wanted to be? You’ll find out in this interview. Also, are you paranoid? Do you worry when you go to sleep that when you wake everything you built will be destroyed? Well, today’s guest is going to show you what to do to avoid destruction. He did it himself and I’ll show you how you can avoid that, too.

Also, you know how there are moments in my interviews that make you just [??], just wince? Listen to my question about the way today’s guest wore his shirt and then you tell me if that was a wince moment or if is it a moment that you happy that I’m here doing this interview. All that and so much more, including financials. I know you love financials.

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