Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. Joining me is I’m an entrepreneur. Who’s been in the news quite a bit because he raised, raised a bunch of money. How much did you raise total? Be bake.
Vivek: We haven’t raised that much for where we’ve gotten the business here. So a little over $40 million in the company’s history.
Andrew: the latest raise I think was in August. I saw a bunch of articles. Am I right?
Vivek: Yeah, we did it in a mid-summer last year, which was an interesting time to do it, to wrap something up, but it was $30 million last summer. So prior we only raised a little over $12 million,
Andrew: And overall sales there. What? What’s revenue?
Vivek: We’re not sharing revenue number, but I can share that we are on an IPO track. So the company is a little over 10...