Running a startup with your dad

Sam Ovett, Mobile Pocket Office, B2B, Consulting, Marketing, Non-Tech

In this interview you’re going to hear me bust the chops of today’s guest.

Sam Ovett is the co-founder of Mobile Pocket Office, a consulting company that helps clients automate sales and lead generation.

He started the company with his dad. I want to find out about that and how he built it up.

Sam Ovett is the co-founder of Mobile Pocket Office, a consulting company that helps clients automate sales and lead generation.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. I’m pausing because I also bust entrepreneurs chops a little bit, and I’m going to do this with today’s guests. Joining me is Sam obit. I met him years ago at a conference where I was speaking, and I think your dad introduced me to you.

he’s a pretty outgoing person and your dad,

Sam: Yes. He’s you could use the word gregarious. And that would be, that would be accurate.

Andrew: And still, when I talk to you and your dad, I had the sense that your dad was like the proud beaming father in this partnership, but you were the one who was doing most of the work and probably. If you are different personality type, you would have just said, dad, I don’t want to work with you. I want your advice.

And I might need you as a voice on, on a phone with adults at...

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