Andrew: Coming up, today’s entrepreneur had an idea that depended on his users having iPod Touches. He wanted to give 30 iPod Touches to his users. Problem is he didn’t have enough money to buy 30 iPod Touches, not nearly, not even close. What would you do in that situation? Check out the one thing today’s guest did to get those iPod touches. It’s kind of a scrappy story that pretty much you can only get here on Mixergy.
Also, check out this secret thing that today’s entrepreneur did when he raised money from investors. While they were talking he did this thing. I’m going to ask him about it. He was a little reluctant. You’ll see it on his face. A little reluctant to talk about it but this is Mixergy. This is where entrepreneurs talk about the stuff that they really did to build their businesses.
Finally, why are people who care about you sometimes the worst users, worst customers to have? You’ll see what happened to...