How ACT! was born out of desperation and a “Hail Mary pass” – with Mike Muhney

Mike Muhney, VIPorbit Software, Web 1.0

When I finished reading “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” by Dale Carnegie, I knocked on Dale Carnegie & Associates’ door in Midtown Manhattan and I said, “Please, hire me. I want to work for you. I want to learn how to build the kind of relationships that Dale Carnegie wrote in his book.”

One of the first things I noticed was that the people I worked for all had a software called ACT!. I had never heard of it before. When they talked to someone on the phone, they would go into ACT! and they’d add some information.

When they went out for a meeting, they’d check their software to see what did they know about that person from past conversations–their kids, their interests, whatever they happened to scribble down while they were in past conversations. So, I went out and I bought that software and it was hugely helpful for me when I started my first company.

Today I’ve got the creator of the company behind ACT!. I invited him here to talk about how he did it all and to find out about his newest project. Mike Muhney is currently working on a company called VIPorbit Software which is dedicated to Mobile Relationship Management solutions; the first CMS solution for all of the Apple products.


Mike Muhney

VIPorbit Software

Mike Muhney is the CEO and Co-Founder of VIPorbit Sotware which is dedicated to Mobile Relationship Management solutions; the first CMS solution for all of the Apple products.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of, home of the ambitious upstart. And I’ve got to keep talking directly into the mic, so I’ll keep moving closer and closer.

I think I’ve said here on Mixergy that when I finished reading “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” Dale Carnegie’s book, I went and I knocked on Dale Carnegie & Associates’ door in Midtown Manhattan and I said, “Please, hire me. I want to work for you. I want to learn how to build the kind of relationships that Dale Carnegie wrote in his book.”

They brought me in right away. They said, “You can have an internship and we’ll pay you not in money but we’ll pay you in classes and all kinds of other stuff,” which is better than I expected. I wanted to work for free because I just wanted to learn from them.

One of the first things that I noticed was that the...

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