Andrew Warner 0:04
Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses, for an audience of entrepreneurs and my fascination is with with companies that have recognized that the world has changed after COVID-19 and that they’re changing with it. And they’re and I want to understand what’s working now for my audience of entrepreneurs so that we can figure out how we can grow in this in this new economy. Go to me is Ron rock, he is the founder of micro share. Micro share is they make these devices Internet of Things, I think is the way that you’d classify them, right, Ron? Yep. Before COVID-19 as he was explaining to me since I work out of a Regis office, if I happen to have gone into one of the conference rooms here where I have to pay if I’m in there, and snuck in there for an hour. In the past, people do this in the past if I would have...