Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of, home of the ambitious upstart.
Hey, today I’ve got a guest for you who I was going to introduce him as a guy who’s gone up against giants and done really well for himself, but he’s also worked with giants. This interview is going to focus on one of the companies that he helped build. It’s called Kobo. It is an early eBook reader. In fact, it’s still available now in the App Store and it’s got tons of raving fans. So, it’s still surviving, still doing well and it’s a company that he launched, he built, he sold. I invited him here to talk about it and I invited him here to talk about what he’s working on now.
His name is Michael Serbinis. He today is the founder and CEO of League, which helps people find and book top preventative health professionals and helps them build personal plans and stay healthy every day....