How Polar Mobile Got Its Apps In 8 Million Hands – with Michael Russo

Michael Russo, Polar Mobile, B2B, Customer Acquisition, Mobile Apps, Networking, Scaling
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How do you build a successful mobile app company?

This is the story of how Michael Russo and his co-founders built hundreds of mobile apps that are used by over 8 million people. As you’ll see in the interview, what put his company, Polar Mobile, on hyper-speed is partnering with top media brands like Time, Elle, CBS Sports and CNN. Wait till you hear how his team of founders got those brands to say, ‘yes’ to partnering.

Michael Russo

Michael Russo

Polar Mobile

Michael Russo is the co-founder and Chief Technical Officer of Polar Mobile.


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Finally, did you know that in addition to being the virtual phone system that entrepreneurs love,

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