Inventor of the Infomercial and The Original Shark on Shark Tank

Kevin Harrington, Mentor to Millions
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When I was a kid, I would watch infomercials the way other people watched sports. I loved selling. Well, today’s guest is one of the original creators of the infomercial.

I have been reading his books for years and following him since the 90s. I am so freaking excited to have him on. Kevin Harrington is known as the Inventor of the Infomercial, the Original Shark on Shark Tank, and the As Seen on TV Pioneer.


Kevin Harrington

Kevin Harrington

Mentor to Millions

Kevin Harrington is known as the Inventor of the Infomercial, the Original Shark on Shark Tank, and the As Seen on TV Pioneer.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. I’ve been reading this guy’s books for years. I’ve been following his work from all right. I’m not a sports guy before we started this interview.

Kevin who, who just won? What did they win?

Kevin: Oh my goodness. Okay. So I’m, I’m a, I’m a sports fan, the Tampa lightning, just one game, five of the playoffs

Andrew: Of what, what sport

Kevin: Yeah, hockey. Okay. Sorry.

Andrew: the way your eyes lit up, the way that you got carried away, when you, I don’t know about that. Here’s what I used to watch. Infill frickin Marshall’s infomercials, dude,

Kevin: all right. Thank you. I’m glad

Andrew: many of your

Kevin: I hope you bought something too.

Andrew: I didn’t buy nearly as much as I...

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