Don’t watch this interview if Mixergy’s confrontational style makes you uncomfortable – with Mel Cutler

Mel Cutler, Success Academy, Educational Company

Just listen to this interview’s first question and you’ll see why it headline reads like a warning. Some of the more challenging parts of this interview will probably make you uncomfortable. But it’s worth it because Mel Cutler will teach you something about dealing with tough questions — and tough business setbacks.

Mel Cutler

Success Academy

Mel Cutler is the founder of Success Academy which is a leader in the field of business development and human potential.


Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of, home of the ambitious upstart. And I don’t know how to actually introduce this interview, so instead I’m just going to go with these two sentences here. I’ve got them written right up on my screen.

Mel Cutler has been a serial entrepreneur since he was 19 and a millionaire by the time he was 25. We’re going to find out how he did it. What he did since then. And we’re going to do it all thanks to my man Scott Edward Walker of Walker Corporate Law. He is the start up’s lawyer. Go check him out at Mel, welcome.

Mel: Thanks, Andrew. Good to be on. I’m a big fan of your show and you document and you inspire a lot of other entrepreneurs. So I’m glad to be here.

Andrew: Well, thanks for being on here. I told you before we started, I can’t find anything online about what you did at 19 and...

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