WhatRunsWhere: The Unfunded Way To Hunt For Customers – with Max Teitelbaum

Max Teitelbaum, WhatRunsWhere, B2B, Customer Acquisition, Traffic

How does a start-up with no funding hunt for customers? And if you’re trying to get new customers or if you’re trying to win back some of the customers that you’ve lost in the past, I want this interview to be the one that’s aimed exactly at you.

To help us do it, we’ve got Max Teitelbaum. You’ve seen him here before. He had one of the most controversial but also one of the most watched interviews here on Mixergy where we’ve talked about how to generate a lot of revenue as an affiliate.

Max is the cofounder of WhatRunsWhere, which helps companies spy on their competitor’s ads so they can buy display media more intelligently and profitably for their campaigns.

Max Teitelbaum


Max Teitelbaum is the cofounder of WhatRunsWhere, which helps customers buy display media more intelligently and profitably for their campaigns.


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Next, did you know that adding a phone number from Grasshopper dot com to your site and increase your sales? Well LessAccounting found that sales grew when they added a Grasshopper phone number to their site. Seeing a phone number for help makes people feel safe. Flower AB tested having a phone number on their site from Grasshopper and not having one from Grasshopper. Look at how much impact it had. Try it on your...

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