How MarketBeat founder gets traffic to convert (20,000 times a month) – with Matthew Paulson

Matthew Paulson, MarketBeat, Consulting, Content, Customer Acquisition, System, Traffic

I got an email from a super-fan that said, “Having dinner from Matt Paulson at MicroConf and his business is amazing.”

He’s using computer-generated content to crank out thousands of articles a day on financial news. The stuff gets picked up by Google Finance and he’s collected 20,000 new email subscribers a month.”

Today, you’re going to get to know the man behind that story. His name is Matthew Paulson. He is the founder of MarketBeat, which publishes a daily investment newsletter to more than 200,000 email subscribers and operates a network of financial news sites with more than 3 million page views a month.

Matthew Paulson


Matthew Paulson is the founder of MarketBeat, which publishes a daily investment newsletter.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. It is your buddy, your friend, your interview host. My name is Andrew Warner. I am the founder of Mixergy, home of the ambitious upstart.

And I got an email from a super-fan named David Rousch who emailed me and said, “Andrew, interview this guy.” This is from an email from April 14th. He says, “Having dinner from Matt Paulson at MicroConf and his business is amazing. He’s using computer-generated content to crank out thousands of articles a day on financial news. The stuff gets picked up by Google Finance and he’s collected 20,000 new email subscribers a month. He’s selling hem premium subscriptions and software and will do over $2 million this year.”

Of course, I had to check the guy out. The team invited him here to do an interview. Today, you’re going to get to know the man behind that story. His name is Matthew Paulson. He is the founder of market Beat, which publishes a daily...

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