HybridLocate.com: A Car Salesman And Founder On Closing The Deal – with Matt Malone

Matt Malone, HybridLocate, Customer Acquisition, Marketplace, Selling 1-on-1

What can you and I learn about improving our online sales from a car salesman?

I like to reach out to other industries occasionally to pull out their best ideas. To do that, I invited Matt Malone. He’s a car salesman currently at Chrysler, and he’s the founder of HybridLocate.com, an online destination for finding and buying eco-friendly vehicles.

Car salespeople have to close deals for tens of thousands of dollars. You and I are only selling people on $20 a month to sign up for our web app. Or maybe $0.99 to buy our iPhone app. These guys are getting total strangers to buy a car for tens of thousands of dollars. I want to find out how they do it and how we can bring it back to our own businesses.

Matt Malone


Matt Malone is the founder of HybridLocate.com, an online destination for finding and buying eco-friendly vehicles.


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Next, did you know that adding your a phone number from Grasshopper.com to your site can increase your sales. Well, Less Accounting found sales grew when they added a Grasshopper phone number to their site. Seeing a phone number for help makes people feel safe. Flower AB tested having a phone number on their site from Grasshopper. And not having one from Grasshopper, look at how much impact it had. Try it on your site. Go...

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