Secret to turning WordPress themes into a big business – with Martin Kotys

Martin Kotys, AitThemes, Bootstrapping, European Founder, International Founders, Theme - WordPress or other

This is the story of an entrepreneur from Slovakia who built a profitable business by creating WordPress themes.

Martin Kotys is the founder of AitThemes, which specializes in WordPress themes for specific sectors like doctors and lawyers.

It’s part of my series of interviews with entrepreneurs who are building profitable business on ThemeForest, a theme marketplace.

Martin Kotys


Martin Kotys is the founder of which Specializes in WordPress themes for the corporate sector.


Andrew: Hey there freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I am the founder of Mixergy, home of the ambitious upstart. If you’re ambitious, if you’re determined to do something in this world, if you’re determined to do something with your life, then when I say home of the ambitious upstart you must know what I’m talking about. The rest of the world can go out there and just watch YouTube videos of cats.

For those of you who are interested, for those of you for whom this is the right fit, I’m going to hunt down key ideas in this interview that will actually change your life and have direct impact on your business. I’m going to do it through the story of an entrepreneur from Slovakia. This entrepreneur built a profitable business by creating WordPress themes. Think about that. Martin Kotys is the founder of AitThemes, which specializes in WordPress themes for specific sectors, like doctors and lawyers.

I’m tripping over my...

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