Fail Series: Getting On BBC2 Was Easy, But Then… – with Mark Bowness

Mark Bowness,, Failure, PR / Media Marketing

Mark Bowness had a vision. He was going to acquire an island. Then he’d invite the online world to visit, view and build it. Mark also had contagious confidence. When you watch him talk for 10 minutes you’ll understand why he was able to make his vision happen.

It was so interesting that Mark’s vision become a BBC2 series. That’s when he decided to go a step further.

Why didn’t that next step work out? I think I’m still too close to this interview to answer that question. Grab it and let his (exceptionally open) story sit with you for a bit. Then come to your own understanding.

Mark Bowness

Mark Bowness is the creator of, which enables the public, from all over the world, to become part of an ‘online tribe’ that developed a real world community on the island of Vorovoro in Fiji. Tribewanted gained worldwide media attention and, as a result, was filmed for 18 months and became a 5 part prime time BBC2 show.


Before we get started, have you seen these? Here’s a box right there on Wistia. Here’s another box on inDinero’s website. They’re all over the place. They’re from this company, Olark. Here’s another one, and the reason these companies have the box up on their website is so their customers can have chats with them in real time.

Now, imagine what a confused customer is going through and the frustration they’re having with the website, and then boom they have the ability to chat with the founder, with someone at the company who cares and can help them. Beyond solving their problem and giving you a way to help your customers, it will also give you insight into what your customers are going through when they’re on your site in real time.

Olark, I’m making you aware of them so that you’ll add them to your website and be able to give your customers incredible support and so you can learn from them. Once you hear...

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