How to work a room (of 3 people or 3,000) – with Ed O’Keefe

Ed OKeefe, Marine Essentials, Marketing, Non-Tech, Physical Product, Scaling, Traffic

Joining me today is a guy who had a business where he did it all. He was the face of it and he was the superstar of it.

And it felt great until it didn’t. Then he decided he wanted a product that sold without him. He wanted a business that ran even if he wasn’t there to be the face and the energy of it. And that’s what he got.

His name is Ed O’Keefe. He is the founder of Marine Essentials. They make supplements designed to help people live longer and feel better.

It’s not usually the kind of thing we talk about on Mixergy, but we want to learn from as many entrepreneurs as possible. We want to figure out what worked.

Ed OKeefe

Marine Essentials

Ed O’Keefe is the founder of Marine Essentials which makes supplements designed to help people live longer and feel better.

Andrew: Hey there, Freedom Fighters. You know me, my name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of, home of the ambitious upstart. This place where I do interviews with entrepreneurs as in-depth as possible to help you understand, based on what they’ve done, how you can build your business. My hope is that as you listen to these interviews, you build a company, and then you come back here and let me interview you so you can teach other people.

Now joining me today is a guy who says that he had a business where he did it all. He was like the face of it, he was the superstar of it, he was the guy, he was the entrepreneur. And it felt great until it didn’t, and then he decided what he wanted was a product that sold without him, a business that ran even if he wasn’t there to be the face and be energy of it. And that’s what he got today.

His name is Ed O’Keefe. He is the founder of Marine Essentials. They make supplements...

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