How is Hack Reactor still standing when other coding schools are in the dead pool?

Harsh Patel, MakerSquare, Educational Company, Hiring, Sell Your Business

Since the interview I did with Hack Reactor, they have been on a roll buying companies.

Well, today we’re going to meet one of the founders of a company they bought.

Harsh Patel is the founder of MakersSquare, a network of coding schools which is now part of Hack Reactor.

Something interesting happened in the world of coding schools that I want to talk about in this interview. The industry was quickly profitable and allowed a couple of companies to grow really big. But then people started losing money. Some of the businesses closed.

I want to find out how Hack Reactor fared through that period.

Harsh Patel


Harsh Patel is the founder of MakersSquare, a network of coding schools which is now part of Hack Reactor.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses.

And one of my favorite entrepreneurs who I’ve gotten to know, because I live here in San Francisco, is Anthony, the founder of Hack Reactor. I just invited him over for scotch. Then he came over to my house for dinner. I just loved his business model. The business model behind Hack Reactor was, “Hey, the world needs more developers. I’m going to create developers. I’ll actually do it in this obsessive way.” I’m an obsessive person so I get it.

His obsessive way was let’s bring them in to one place to have them sit here and treat it kind of like a cult, the cult of development, the cult of get your work done, and make them live and breathe this and if they do that, if they buy into this world, they’re going to become phenomenal developers and...

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