From Scuba Diving Instructor to SEO Master… and an Extra $100,000 From Watching Mixergy – with Gabriel Machuret

Gabriel Machuret, International Founders, South American Founders

In a past interview, did you hear me read an email from Gabriel Machuret, a search engine optimization consultant, who said that he earned $100,000 more last year because of Mixergy?

When my mentor heard that, he said, “Andrew you should interview him.” But I was hesitant because I worried it might come across as too self-promotional. Then he said, “People want to see how viewers are using what they’re learning. At least try it once and see how it goes.” So that’s what we’re doing.

And to make sure that this interview helps you get the kind of measurable results that Gabriel got, he and I went over specific tactics he learned from Mixergy, how he applied them and how you can use them in your business to get similar results.

Gabriel Machuret

Gabriel Machuret

Gabriel Machuret is a search engine optimization consultant, who also helps you learn SEO and uses SEO to help kids.


Andrew: Three messages before I fire you up with another great interview. Well, the first one is this. Do you ever have a user who comes to your website maybe five, six, times, and never buys? Well, what if you can get that user incentivize enough to buy? That’s where Spring Metrics new product called, Smart Coupons come in. It detects that a user has been coming to your website without buying, and pops up an ad like this, a coupon that incentivizes them to buy. What about all of that traffic that you’re getting from organic search?

How about converting some those people into paid buyers? Spring Metrics Smart Coupon will bounce up at just the right time, to just the right person, and give them that nudge to make them close the sale. And it’s all as I’ve said, from Spring Metrics, a company I’ve been using for a long time, I know one of the founders very well. Spring Metrics is what I use to help me increase my sales here at Mixergy. If you go...

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