Andrew: Hey there freedom fighters, my name is Andrew Warner and I am the pushy, bully interviewer here at, home of the ambitious upstart. I’ll explain that in a moment, but first I’ve got to tell you what I have packed for you here today. I’ve got for you the story of a guy who was bored at work and decided that he was going to build a profitable marketing company, and he did it. I invited him here to talk about how he did it, and my goal for this interview is to have you learn how profitable marketing companies are built, and frankly, any kind of consulting company. I think if you’re looking to do that, you’re going to get a lot out of this interview.
Aaron Agius is the founder of LouderOnline, it’s a digital marketing consulting company that provides an ROI for marketing goals of medium to enterprise businesses. This interview is sponsored by, let me say it very clearly, I know I speak fast, I have to slow down for my...