Andrew W: Hey there, freedom fighters. I’m so excited to do this interview. I’m so excited to do this interview that literally before going to bed last night, I messaged today’s guests. And I said, I had a last minute change with one of my other guests. Can you jump in and do this interview? And he said, sure. And the reason I’m excited about it is because of the way that today’s guest Andrew Munday.
Got my attention. East, he started the email with an F bomb, and then he said, sorry for the bad word. And then he just gave me a list of things that he wanted to talk about. He’s a mixer defense. So he knew that I dig this. He goes, I was employee number one at door dash, ask me anything really I’ll I’ll tell you.
And so I did, I, I emailed him back and I said, Like is your equity worth of door dash. And you told me, and I’ll see if he wants to tell us here in the interview. Now that’s recording. He talked...