How Australia’s Internet Pioneer Helped Get The Country Online – with Lloyd Ernst
Lloyd Ernst introduced Australians to the internet by getting the country’s most tech savvy into hotel ballrooms and blowing them away by showing off how email worked. He was introducing them to the future. That’s what he does.
It started when he hooked up a computer in his garage to a phone and created a bulletin board called PowerUp. At first, only one person could log in at a time, but as the business grew he paid for more modems and more phone lines and pretty soon his customers could talk to each other. Then the internet came and PowerUp let its customers connect to the world. But how do you explain something so new? That’s where the ball rooms came in.
After selling PowerUp, his next company, WebCentral, helped companies set up their first web sites, back when the concept of web sites was still foreign. Listen to this interview to hear how he built and sold WebCentral, and how he continues to ride the cutting edge with his latest company, Event Zero.
Lloyd Ernst is a founding shareholder and Director of Brisbane based Event Zero Pty Ltd, which developed a Complex Event Processing CEP platform which is design to provide organisation with Real time operational intelligence by analysing very large amounts of data in real time from disparate data sources. He’s also the founder of PowerUp Pty Ltd, WebCentral Pty Ltd, XtreamLok, and SinoCode Ltd.
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Andrew: Hey everyone, it is Andrew Webber, founder of, home of the ambitious up start. And in fact before I...
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