How to use influencers to build your company

Dhar Mann, Liveglam, Comeback, eCommerce, Failure, Marketing, Non-Tech, Physical Product, Subscription (Membership) Model
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Today’s guest has had such a turbulent life I can’t understand how he’s still smiling.

He did well with real estate then BOOM—he lost it all.

He started over again and got into weed. He got into legal trouble. Had to start from scratch again.

Then he got into makeup of all things and he’s back on top. Dhar Mann is the founder of Liveglam which is a subscription makeup club.

Dhar Mann


Dhar Mann is the founder of Liveglam which is a subscription makeup club.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses for an audience of real entrepreneurs, and get this, today’s guest is a turbulent freaking life. How’s he still smiling right now? Listen to this. The guy gets into real estate, does well, boom, loses it all. Am I right? Lose it all? And then you’ve got to start over again by living . . . Well, we’ll talk about what happened. Then he gets into weed, becomes what did Mother Jones call you? Ganjapreneur?

Dhar: Yeah, ganjapreneur.

Andrew: Ganjapreneuer. San Jose Mercury News decides to echo that, it becomes a thing. He gets into legal trouble, and all I know is my producers, someone on my team saying, “Andrew makes sure to understand, this guy had a federal felony conviction. Do not miss that.” I go, “This is what happened to him.” Again, has to go back and...

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