Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. I am Andrew Warner. I am the founder of, home of the ambitious upstart. And lately, a very dapper gentleman. Check out the pocket square, here.
You know, in past interviews, I’ve complained that I don’t like the way I look on camera, that it’s not something that I ever cared about. But it’s becoming more important, because I am on camera. Sachet Gupta in the audience heard and said, “You know what? I think I’ve heard of a stylist.” And he introduced me to someone who took me out, bought me a bunch of clothes, and now I’m feeling a lot better.
All right, but this isn’t about my pocket square, or my jacket, or any of that. This interview is about you. And you know how everyone seems to say you should do what you love and never give up. Well, in this interview, you’re going to hear someone who says, “Well, maybe not exactly.”
Libby Tucker...