How a “lazy” bootstrapper built software that turned him into a grinder – with Liam Martin

Liam Martin, Time Doctor, Bootstrapping, Customer Acquisition, Marketing
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I have a company for you today that’s bootstrapped, profitable, and doing incredibly great.

Your mind is going to be blown by the possibilities of building software in an unconventional way.

If you ever saw the movie “Rounders,” there are some people who want to get rich quickly at the poker table and there others who grind it out and keep getting better and better. They’re the ones who get real money.

Today’s guest is solving problems without venture capital–like a “grinder”. Liam Martin is the cofounder of Time Doctor and its sister site,

When I asked him what Time Doctor was, he gave me this five-word description, “Google Analytics for your workday.”

Liam Martin

Liam Martin

Time Doctor

Liam Martin is a co-founder of Time Doctor which helps individuals and organizations to be more productive.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of, home of the ambitious upstart.

Let me let you in on a little something. Before each interview, I look for the hook, the reason that you guys are going to want to listen and I look for that one story that will punch the host in the gut, just so we can get you to pay attention to the rest of the interview. And I can’t find the hook. I can’t find that gut-wrenching first question here.

I can’t even find a way to fully explain to you what today’s guest does, but I want to trust me that I’ve got a company for you here that’s bootstrapped, that’s profitable, that’s doing incredibly great that if you spend just like five seconds understanding why this is so good, your mind is going to be blown by the possibilities of building software in an unconventional way, without venture capital and solving a problem–like a...

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