How To Build A Profitable Education Business – with Laura Roeder

Laura Roeder, B2B, Customer Acquisition, Educational Company, Marketing, Social Media, Women Founders

Laura Roeder runs a training company which teaches small businesses how to create fame using social media and online marketing. Last year, she says her business generated about $300,000 in revenue.

I invited her to Mixergy to teach how she built her business. We covered everything from how she created the first product that she sold, to how she got her audience, to what ideas she needed to communicate to convert that audience into paying customers. We also detailed the specific software you can use to create a similar business.

Laura Roeder

Laura Roeder is a social media marketing expert who teaches small businesses how to create their own fame and claim their brand online. She is the creator of Zero to WordPress Website, Zero to Search Engine Optimization, and Your Backstage Pass to Twitter.


When I realized that I forgot to sell one of the three sponsorship spots for this interview, I tweeted about it and asked if someone could step up and buy a last minute ad. Ben of Site5 immediately offered to help. If you’re a tech entrepreneur, you probably already know that Ben’s company, Site5 Hosting, is the inexpensive way to bootstrap your Ruby on Rails, Python, or other applications. Now, you also know that Ben, the guy behind Site5, is a great guy. Thanks, Ben.

My second sponsor is Scott Edward Walker of Walker Corporate Law. Did you know you could follow Scott on Twitter or on Quora or on VentureBeat? If you’re a tech entrepreneur, don’t you want your lawyer to be that immersed in your industry so he really understands your needs? Walker Corporate Law.

Finally, this program exists because of Grasshopper, the virtual phone system that entrepreneurs love. You probably already know that Grasshopper will allow you to add extensions to...

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