Andrew: Hey, there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I am the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. I do it for an audience of real entrepreneurs.
As you might have noticed, more and more of the people that I interview have built their businesses while listening to Mixergy interviews. Now they come back and tell their stories of how they did it. It’s something I used to call the circle of Mixergy. I don’t know why I said I used to call it. That’s what it is, the circle of Mixergy. You listen, you learn, you build, and then you come back here and you do an interview about how you did it yourself.
One of the things that I noticed living in San Francisco is there’s a reason why every app is kind of built for the same group because we all seem to be the same. But I also believe that there are fortunes to be made outside of the Silicon Valley mindset about creating apps by 20 to...