How ThemeCo hit $1M in sales in the first 6 months by finding one customer’s pain – with Kyle Wakefield

Kyle Wakefield, ThemeCo, Customer Acquisition, Theme - WordPress or other
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How did understanding customers’ pain help today’s guest build a profitable theme company?

Kyle Wakefield is the founder of ThemeCo, which makes a theme that is incredibly customizable. I would even call a framework, more than a them.

This is part of my ThemeForest Series. I actually emailed the founder, and I said, “Could you introduce me to some of your top sellers, people who built real businesses by selling themes so I can learn from them how they did it.” And I specifically asked for his top earners, and he introduced me to Kyle.

Kyle Wakefield

Kyle Wakefield


Kyle Wakefield is the founder of ThemeCo, which makes a theme that is incredibly customizable. I would even call a framework, more than a them.


Andrew: Hey there freedom fighters, my name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of, home of the ambitious upstart. In this interview, we’re going to find out how understanding peoples’ pain led today’s guest to build a profitable theme company.

Kyle Wakefield is the founder of Themeco, which makes a theme that is incredibly customizable, easily customizable. In fact, I wouldn’t even call it a theme, I would call it a framework. We’re going to find out how he did it, and I met him through ThemeForest, not FemeThorest, ThemeForest. It’s part of my ThemeForest series. I actually emailed the founder, and I said, “Could you introduce me to some of your top sellers, people who built real businesses by selling themes so I can learn from them how they did it.” And I specifically asked for his top earners, and he introduced me to Kyle.

Kyle, welcome. Good to have you here.

Kyle: Thank you. It’s...

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