Building a company for legacy instead of exit

Pete Jordan, Knowledge Matters, B2B, Bootstrapping, Educational Company

Personally I think the importance on how fast a company can exit is the wrong way to think about business. More valuable than the exit is the legacy you leave behind and the impact your company has on the world.

That’s why I’m so proud to have today’s guest on. He started back in the days of CD ROMs. That’s when his business started and he’s still running it. He had a few challenges along the way which we’ll talk about.

Pete Jordan is the founder of Knowledge Matters, a cloud-based provider of educational simulation for business.

Pete Jordan

Knowledge Matters

Pete Jordan is the founder of Knowledge Matters, a cloud-based provider of educational simulation for business.

Andrew: Hello, everyone, my name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview tech-entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. And one of the things that we celebrate in the tech-world is the exit, you know, frankly if an entrepreneur e-mails me and says, “Hey, Andrew, I sold my business. I want to be on Mixergy.”

I almost always will say yes if they’re in the tech-space. And I think partially it’s the wrong way to think about business, how fast can you sell. And the truth is, it’s how great of a company can you build, how much impact can you have on the world, how much of a legacy can you leave behind. Those things are so much more valuable than the exit.

But frankly, partially I look at the exit because it tells me, “Hey, the guy crossed the finish line. Let’s talk about how he did it.” And partially because I feel like we’ve got a complete story, so we tell...

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