How A Forward-Looking Entrepreneur Launched Vonage & Kikin – with Carlos Bhola

Carlos Bhola, kikin, Customer Acquisition, System
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I did this interview to learn how Carlos Bhola and his co-founders took Vonage from a mere idea and made it one of the pioneering internet-based phone systems. How did they get customers? How did they even explain what an internet-based phone was? You’ll hear it all in this interview.

You’ll also hear about Carlos’s latest company, Kikin, which customizes users’ web experiences.

Carlos Bhola

Carlos Bhola


Carlos M. Bhola is co-Founder and CEO of kikin, delivering next-generation user-centric web and mobile experiences.


Andrew: Hey everyone it’s Andrew Warner founder home of the ambitious upstart, you guys know what we do here, I interview entrepreneurs about about how they build their business, proven entrepreneurs guys who built companies that you’re familiar with and today I’ve got someone who has built one of the most famous phone companies out there. Carlos Bola is the co-founder of Vontage a leading provider of phone calls over internet. His current start up is Kikin which creates a plug in that brings users social networks and content to them no matter where they are on the web. I invited him to McSurgy to learn about how Vontage was formed and grew and ask him about his plans for his current company which you guys who are watching on video can see behind him is Kikin, Welcome, Carlos.Interviewee: Thank you Andrew

Andrew: Ok So Since Vonage is the company you’ve spent the most time with that’s what I’ll spend the most time on in this...

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