Keith Teare on TechCrunch, ambition, and the early Internet

Keith Teare, TechCrunch, Web 1.0

I’ve got an ambitious person here with me today. I’ve seen so many interesting things that he’s said over the years about ambition and about wanting to build something big.

I’ve watched him do it over the years and I’m so lucky to have him here today.

Keith Teare is the cofounder of TechCrunch and today he’s running Chat Center, a company he founded to create a simple way for people to chat with each other.

But I remember him from RealNames. For me, RealNames stuck out as a company that was going to ruin the internet or make it great, but it was such a gutsy move either way. You’ll hear why in this interview.



Keith Teare


Keith Teare is the founder of Chat Center, a company he founded to create a simple way for people to chat with each other.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of, home of the ambitious upstart. I think I’ve got an ambitious person here with me today. I’ve seen so many interesting things that he’s said over the years about ambition, about wanting to build something big. Frankly, I’ve watched him over the years do it and I’ve read about him over the years and I’m so lucky to have him here today.

So, the reason that we had him here, that my team put together this interview is because Keith Teare is the cofounder of TechCrunch and we wanted to find out how TechCrunch was built and so on. But of course, once I saw his name and I saw his history, I remember him from RealNames. And for me, RealNames stuck out as a company that was going to ruin the internet or make it great, but it was such a gutsy move either way.

The idea was no one wants to have these long URLs that were really complicated back...

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