This Entrepreneur Went From $78 Million To Nothing. Now He’s Back In The Ring – with Keith Smith

Keith Smith, BigDoor Media, B2B, Comeback, Content, Failure, Scaling
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Keith Smith started an internet company at 27 years old, built it up to $78 million in sales, but later ended up having to close the company. From there he picked up the pieces and he launched a new company. Today he’s the co-founder and CEO of Big Door a site that helps publishers monetize traffic online.

I asked him to come to Mixergy to tell us how he built his $78 million company — as well as what he learned from the way up and from the way down.

And, since both his past and his current companies help sites monetize their users, I asked him to tell us what he learned about online monetization.

Keith Smith

Keith Smith

BigDoor Media

Keith Smith is the Co-Founder and CEO of BigDoor Media, which helps web sites monetize. Before that he co-founded ePipo, which, as you’ll hear in this interview, went through many name changes but stayed focused on helping users get free access to content and software in exchange for viewing ads.


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Andrew: Hey everyone I’m Andrew Warner I’m the founder of home of the impious upstart. I got with me a guy today Keith Smith who started an internet company at 27 years old. Built it up to 78 million dollars in sales and as will see he ended up having to close the company.

From there he picked up the pieces and he launched a new company. Today he is the co-founder and CEO of Big Door a site that helps publishers monetize online.

Keith how did I do in that intro? Did I sum it up pretty well?

Interviewee: Yup, I think that’s a good summary statement.

Andrew: OK, when did you guys launch Big Door?

Interviewee: So we started the company June of this year and we launched our public beta I guess about a month ago. So it was in October of 2009 and was in the customer feedback...

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