Andrew: Hey, they’re freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. And I meet a lot of entrepreneurs in my audience, and I have rarely met an entrepreneur who is more persistent than today’s guest Dmitri drag alive boy, dude.
I when, when you and I first met, you were incredibly persistent in making sure that you were helping me, that you were showing me how I can improve my site. Every interaction I’ve ever had with you, Dimitri, where I said, this is what we’re thinking of doing. You follow it up with work to help me or help my team do what we’re doing better.
We started writing articles about chatbots. You said, let me show you how to do a better you work with me. You work with Tam fam on our team to make them even better. You gave us a framework for how to do well. The thing that I always wondered with you is how, how are you...