How to do your own PR right

Dmitry Dragilev,, B2B, PR / Media Marketing, SaaS (software as a service)

I’ve noticed a problem, as today’s guest will tell you from his own experience, that most entrepreneurs are really crappy at getting PR.

I’m shocked to hear him say it because I’ve known him for years and years and years. He’s got such a good touch and still he says at one point, he was crap, but he got better and better at it.

Then he started creating software and services that help entrepreneurs and small businesses now with their PR.

Dmitry Dragilev is the founder of It’s a place where you can find relevant journalists and pitch them all on your own.

Dmitry Dragilev

Dmitry Dragilev is the founder of, a place where you can find relevant journalists and pitch them all on your own.

Andrew: Hey, everyone. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs even when I have a cold, even when I have a flu, even when I’m ready to collapse, I will not give up. Because I feel that entrepreneurship is . . . This is such a weird thing for me to say because every cult leader says this. I think it’s what’s going to change the world and it’s going to improve the world.

I think that the best, most creative ideas are coming out of entrepreneurs and, man, the people who started companies 10, 20 years ago are the ones who are really ruling the world today. And the people who are listening to this interview today in 10, 20 years will end up being the entrepreneurs who take over the world, who change the way that we do things.

But there is one problem and that is, as today’s guest will tell you, most entrepreneurs are really crap at getting PR. And he says this from his own experience. And...

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