Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I do interviews with proven entrepreneurs for an audience of real entrepreneurs who are building actual businesses, not just these wannabes who want to get lost in the world of how I could be if I was an entrepreneur and they want to live vicariously through my guests. No, that’s not who my audience is. My audience is real entrepreneurs.
Today’s guest is someone that you might have heard me interviewed before and truthfully, Dmitry Dragilev must have done so well with the last interview. In fact, I know you did, Dmitry, right? The last interview, you were on here, we talked about your company JustReachOut, which helps entrepreneurs pitch journalists, get featured in the press, do it all on their own, and become these celebrities which frankly you noticed that a lot of your clients really want to be. They say they want business and you will get the business,...