Growing, productizing and selling a niche agency

Andy Cabasso, JurisPage
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Today’s guest did what so many people in my audience hope to do: He grew, productized and sold an agency.

I invited him here to find out how he came up with the idea while in law school and the critical thing he learned about his early clients.

Andy Cabasso is the founder of JurisPage, which provides mobile responsive law firm website design, internet marketing, and lawyer seo, custom-tailored to bring attorneys new clients.

Andy Cabasso

Andy Cabasso


Andy Cabasso is the founder of JurisPage, which provides mobile responsive law firm website design, internet marketing, and lawyer seo, custom-tailored to bring attorneys new clients.

Andrew: Hey, they’re freedom fighters. I’ve been so excited about this interview. Joining me is, um, Is a Mixergy fan. I recognize the name immediately when it came through as a potential guest. And I’m so glad that he is here because I didn’t realize how much he had done his name is Andy cabasa.

He is the founder of multiple companies, but, , Juris page is what I’d like to spend time focusing on here in this interview, because he was a law student. He started looking at law firms to work for. He realized that a lot of them had webpages that were pretty bad and marketing. That was pretty bad. And he said, you know what?

I think they could do better. And he got into the business of, uh, helping them do better. And one of the things he learned was that they don’t want to spend even a little bit of time to try to improve their websites, but. But if someone is willing to do it for them, they’re willing to pay. And so he created...

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