NetGenesis, Yesware, JumpCloud founder on what makes a business worth starting

Rajat Bhargava, JumpCloud, B2B, Content, Failure, Marketing, SaaS (software as a service), Scaling

When a PR agency contacted me and said, “Hey, Andrew, do you want to interview the author of a new startup book?” I said, “No.” To be honest, I didn’t even look at. And they said, “Wait, this is the startup playbook by two authors. One of them is Rajat Bhargava.” I said, “Wait a minute, that’s the guy behind Yesware. This is not just a guy who has one idea for a business. This is guy who has started multiple businesses.”

And even though today’s guest is super successful, when he tried to raise money for his current business, he kept getting turned down for a reason we’ll talk about later. I’m going to find out how he built up this business and so much more.

Rajat Bhargava is currently the founder of JumpCloud, which securely connects people to their IT resources.

Rajat Bhargava


Rajat Bhargava is the founder of JumpCloud, which securely connects people to their IT resources.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview proven entrepreneurs for an audience of real entrepreneurs.

When a PR agency contacted me and said, “Hey, Andrew, do you want to interview the author of a new startup book?” I said, “No.” To be honest, I didn’t even look at. And they said, “Wait, this is the startup playbook by two authors. One of them is Rajat Bhargava.” I said, “Wait a minute, Yesware. This is not just a guy who has an idea for how to start a business. This is guy who has started multiple businesses.”

Yesware I specifically remember because it was a period there where suddenly I was mousing over email I would get from people and there would be a Yesware URL. I looked up what Yesware was and I realized, “Oh, they want to know if I opened up their email, if I clicked on it and all that. This is brilliant.” So I got a...

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